Dorset Council News

14 Feb 2024

Poole Harbour Oil Spill Remediation and Restoration Update

Following the oil spill from the Wytch Farm site on Poole Harbour in March 2023 and the clean-up operation which has been carried out since, the outer booms which were put in place to stop further spread on the site, will be removed during February 2024.

On 26 March 2023, Perenco UK reported an estimated loss of 200 barrels of reservoir fluid from their Wytch Farm site on Poole Harbour, consisting of 15% crude oil and 85% production fluid. The Wytch Farm Oil Spill Contingency Plan and Poole Harbour Oil Spill Contingency Plan were both instigated, and a multi-agency response was declared.

Due to the quick action of all partners, there have been no reports of oil outside of the contaminated area in Ower Bay since 5 April 2023.

Since this time, focused localised clean-up at the release site and co-ordinated monitoring and assessment of the immediate environment and Poole Harbour has been carried out. 

Investigation and monitoring work performed during 2023 identified impacts on the saltmarsh and reed habitat within a limited area of the southern creek in Ower Bay.

A remediation strategy for this localised contamination was developed. This involved the removal of contaminated material from a focused location in the upper area of the creek next to the release site, through a controlled scraping and removal of sediment and organic matter to allow the habitat to recover. This also removed the possibility of recontamination of the wider area in the future.  

Remediation works continued, subject to tidal conditions, until early January 2024.  During these works every effort was taken to limit the impacts of the activities on the features of the area and all necessary wildlife surveys were conducted before works took place to limit impacts on local species.

Following the completion of this remediation activity there has been a programme of sediment and surface water monitoring analysis. This analysis has confirmed that the remediation activity has been successful and there is no longer contamination in the southern creek area of Ower Bay that presents a risk to the wider Poole Harbour Area. Based on this analysis, the Remediation and Restoration Group has confirmed that the outer booms to Ower Bay can be removed.

Further monitoring of the site during 2024 and 2025 will be ongoing to assess the recovery of the site. 

Contact Information

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Notes to editors

The PMCC and Remediation and Restoration Group includes representatives of the following organisations:
Natural England
Environment Agency
Adler and Allan
Southern IFCA
Food Standards Agency

Poole Harbour Commissioners
Dorset Council

BCP Council